Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Eli Cohen and 22 ambassadors and diplomats from countries whose citizens have been abducted by Hamas have called for their immediate release. They also demanded to permit visits by the International Red Cross to the abducted people to verify their conditions.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Cohen said, the release of the abducted people is Israel’s foremost priority.

He said, Hamas’ crimes are unforgivable and kidnapping of civilians, including children, women, and Holocaust survivors is against every international law and every human norm.

During the meeting, Minister Cohen emphasized the determination of the coalition to use their collective influence to exert significant international pressure on Hamas for the return of all abducted citizens.

Ambassadors from Peru, Tanzania, Russia, Romania, Portugal, Argentina, Philippines, Georgia, Sri Lanka, France, Mexico, Denmark, Hungary, Austria, Ethiopia, Serbia, Columbia, Italy, Thailand, Canada, the Netherlands, Poland and the European Union participated in the meeting.