jayalalitha newTamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has been shifted out of the multi-disciplinary Critical Care Unit to a private room on the same floor on Saturday evening.

Termed variously as a high dependency room, and a step down personalised ICU, the room will offer requisite facilities to attend to the medical needs of the patient, but lesser than an intensive care set-up, and is used primarily for patients transitioning from critical care units, sources said.

She was admitted to Apollo Hospital on September 22 with complaints of fever and dehydration, she has been moved to a room.

The Chief Minister was treated for pulmonary oedema by the team of doctors at Apollo Hospitals, and was initially on the ventilator, and subsequently had a trachaeostomy tube through a slit in the throat to help with breathing. Cardiologists, pulmonologists and critical care experts from AIIMS, Delhi, and the critical care expert Richard Beale from Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, weighed in with their consultations. Apart from in house physiotherapists, she received attention from physiotherapists from Singapore, according to sources.