Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Dr P. K. Mishra chaired the meeting of the G20 Coordination Committee in New Delhi. He took stock of arrangements for the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Summit, including logistics, protocol, security and media-related arrangements. This was the 9th meeting of the coordination committee. It was attended by senior officers from G20 Secretariat and Ministries of External Affairs, Home, Culture, Information and Broadcasting and the Department of Telecommunication.
During the meeting yesterday , Principal Secretary asked all the concerned officers and heads of organisations to make every effort to host an impeccable Summit. For smooth coordination among various agencies, a Multi-Agency Control Room will be set up at Bharat Mandapam. It was noted that work on the ground and on site at Bharat Mandapam was proceeding satisfactorily. Exhibitions on culture and mother of democracy are being set up in the Mandapam. Dr. Mishra also reviewed progress in installation of the Nataraj statue at the venue and programme for spouses of visiting leaders which has been especially curated for the guests.
For the first time, a mobile App has been developed for G20, called ‘G20 India’ which is now available for download, both on Android and iOS. On logistics side, drills are being held and dress rehearsals are planned in the coming days. Principal Secretary was also briefed on security aspects by the concerned officers. Media arrangements for the Summit were also reviewed. So far, more than three thousand six hundred requests have been received including from foreign media and accreditation letters are being issued.