In another shocking incident in Delhi on Tuesday night (August 29), a 36-year-old man, who worked as a senior manager with e-commerce company Amazon, was shot dead in Delhi’s northeastern area in Bhajanpura, the police said. Another man was injured in the attack, who ran a momos fast food business outlet. The brazen incident, coming days before the G20 summit in the capital, has raised alarm bells in the administration and security has been stepped up in the area.

According to reports incident took place around 11.30 pm on Tuesday night. Police said that five unidentified assailants opened fire at Harpreet Gill (36) and his friend Govind Singh (32) in Subhash Vihar locality.Gill was rushed to the Jag Pravesh Chandra Hospital and was pronounced dead by doctors on arrival. He was shot in the head, said police. His friend, who was shot in the firing (also in the head) is undergoing treatment.

Gill lived in Bhajanpura and was a senior manager at ecommerce giant Amazon India. Deputy Commissioner of Police (northeast) Joy Tirkey said that the bullet pierced the right side of his head behind the ear and exited from the other side.