BJP has filed a complaint with Delhi Police against senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for alleged assault and incitement after two party MPs got injured during a protest in Parliament House today.

Talking to media, senior BJP leader Anurag Thakur said, in their complaint at Parliament Street Police Station, they have mentioned in detail the incident that happened today outside Parliament, where NDA MPs were protesting peacefully. He added that when security forces asked Mr Gandhi and other opposition to take a designated path to enter Parliament, he expressed his anger and did not take that designated path.

Meanwhile, a delegation of Congress MPs also reached the Police station and filed a counter-complaint in the matter. Talking to media, senior party leader Digvijay Singh said it was decided that we will stage a protest march from the statue of BR Ambedkar to Makar Dwar of Parliament but BJP leaders gathered at the Makar Dwar creating ruckus. He added that in this incident Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge fell and both of his knees were injured. He alleged that it was an attempt to distract people from the alleged insulting remarks made against Dr B R Ambedkar.