Andhra Pradesh Assembly Speaker Dr Shivaprasada Rao has suspended the entire opposition, including its Leader YS Jaganmohan Reddy, from the proceedings till the discussion on Dr BR Ambedkar is over. The speaker suspended 58 YSR Congress party members who were disrupting the proceedings since Thursday demanding an immediate discussion over the controversial Call Money issue.
However, the Government wants a discussion over the Constitutional Spirit as part of year-long celebrations on the occasion of 125th birth anniversary of Dr Ambedkar on the lines of Parliament.
Demanding an immediate discussion over Call Money issue in which the alleged links between political leaders and moneylenders was exposed. The opposition leaders have stalled the proceedings of the Assembly for the second consecutive day today while trooping into the well of the house.
The speaker adjourned the house for a short period due to uproar. When the house reassembled the situation remained same. Then, following a proposal from the Finance Minister Ramakrishnudu, the Speaker suspended all the opposition members present in the house till the house completes the discussion over the Constitutional spirit.