A special Mahila Samman programme was organized at Haryana Bhawan in Delhi today, where women from various districts of Haryana gathered to witness the Nari Shakti Vandan Bill’s discussion in the new Parliament House. In a meaningful moment marked by cheers, celebration, and words of praise, women expressed their jubilation through enthusiastic cheers and the resounding chant, ‘Modi hai to mumkin hai’ (With Modi, everything is possible).
BJP State President Om Prakash Dhankhar, Lok Sabha MPs Sanjay Bhatia, Nayab Singh Saini, Rajya Sabha, MP Krishan Lal Panwar, former MP Kailasho Saini, former MLA Latika Sharma, and Naresh Kaushik were also present on this occasion.
Later, interacting with the Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his instrumental role in introducing the Nari Shakti Vandan Bill. He said that it will serve as a pivotal milestone in advancing women’s empowerment. CM said that Nari Shakti Vandan Bill has emerged as a beacon of hope for women in India, symbolising a significant stride towards gender equality and women’s participation in politics.CM said that the State is already a trailblazer in promoting gender equality, providing 50 percent reservation for women in local self-governance institutions and Panchayats. He anticipated that the bill would soon become law after gaining approval in State assemblies nationwide. He emphasised that this provision will be eternally etched in the annals of women’s empowerment.
BJP State President Om Prakash Dhankhar also lauded Prime Minister Modi’s transformative initiatives.