In Jharkhand, Chief Minister Hemant Soren today announced further extension of Health Safety Week for another one week till July 1st effective from tomorrow morning 6 am onwards. Unlock-4 with the same relaxations and restrictions will also be in force in the state.
Unlock-4 with same guidelines, restrictions and relaxations in force presently will be effective from tomorrow morning in Jharkhand for another one week till July 1. All government and private offices will function with 50 per cent attendance till 4 pm, while all shops, shopping malls, departmental stores and business establishments will open till 4 pm. Complete lockdown during the weekend falling in between the week from June 26 to 28 will be observed.
Medical facilities, LPG, fuel stations and milk parlours have been only permitted during complete lockdown. Educational and religious places will remain closed. Online teaching will continue in educational institutions. Inter-state buses have been prohibited while mandatory home quarantine of 7 days for people visiting from outside the state has been made compulsory during the lockdown. Government and private functions at common places have been prohibited. Only 11 persons will be allowed in marriage and 20 in funeral procession, while e-pass continues to be a mandatory document for any travel within the state.