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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said the ideology propounded by Sufi saints is an integral part of Indian ethos and the tradition of Sufism has kept evil at bay.

He said that forces of extremism are attempting to weaken the Sufi ideology which has contributed significantly to the creation of a pluralistic and multi-cultural society in the country.

During a meeting with a delegation of 40 Sufi Scholars in New Delhi on Thursday evening, Mr. Modi asked Sufi saints and scholars to counter these forces through various avenues including on social media, so that the ideology of extremism does not take root in India.

Exhorting Muslim community to take maximum advantage of the skill development schemes and programmes of the government, the Prime Minister assured the delegation that issues of Waqf property raised would be looked into.

On the occasion, members of the delegation stated that Islam does not preach hatred or extremism.

They expressed concern that certain forces do not wish the Muslim community to keep good relations with the Prime Minister saying that so far the divisive politics of vote-banks has resulted in the community but now they want Mr. Modi to establish direct contact with the people including the Muslims.

The delegation also urged the Prime Minister to work towards development of people irrespective of caste, community or religion.

The members said that the spread of terrorism in the name of Islam, represents a danger to peace all over the world and there is urgent need to take action to marginalize the forces which are promoting jihad.

They also added that there is need to spread awareness among the Muslim community against the organizations like the ISIS and the Al-Qaeda as they do not represent the path of Islam.

President of the All India Ulama and Mashaikh Board, Hazrat Syed Mohammad Ashraf Kichhowchhwi, Chairman of Makhdoom Ashraf Mission of Kolkata, Hazrat Syed Jalaluddin Ashraf and Hazrat Syed Ahmed Nizami and Sajjada Nashin of Dargah Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya of New Delhi were among those who were the part of the delegation.