Leader of the House in the Rajya Sabha and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has said the best tribute to Dr B R Ambedkar is to further strengthen the democratic institutions. Initiating a discussion on Commitment to India’s Constitution as part of the 125th Birth Anniversary celebrations of Dr Ambedkar in the House today, Mr Jaitley expressed grave concern over subversions in the ideological thinking in the country during the last 65 years.

He said the Constitution gave the concept of federalism to the country which is a reality in India today. Describing Dr Ambedkar as the best social reformer, Mr Jaitley said the architect of the Constitution showed the country the way to fight injustice through democratic institutions. Referring to reservations for weaker sections of the society Me Jaitley said an affirmative action is the need of the hour. He said the gravest challenge before the world has been posed by terrorism, which has to be severely dealt with.