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The Central Bureau of Investigation – CBI today said that media entrepreneur Indrani Mukerjea has confessed to the murder of her daughter Sheena Bora. The investigative agency today filed a 1000 page chargesheet in the sensational murder case naming Indrani Mukerjea’s former husband Sanjeev Khanna and her driver Shyamvar Rai as the other two accused.

According to the chargesheet, the three of them have been accused of abduction, murder, destruction of evidence, cheating and forgery. Some provisions of the Information Technology Act have also been invoked. The chargesheet filed in a special CBI court in Mumbai lists 150 witnesses and 200 forensic documents as evidence. The chargesheet mentions that AIIMS forensic tests confirm that the mortal remains found in Raigad forests near Mumbai in August this year belong to Sheena adding that the 24 year old was apparently strangled.

Meanwhile, Indrani Mukerjea’s husband Peter Mukerjea was also arrested today in connection to the case. CBI Chief has confirmed his arrest.

Earlier today, Shyamvar Rai recorded his statement before the court. The statement was recorded under the provisions of Section 164 of Criminal Procedure Code, which unlike a police statement is admissible in court. The contents of the statement are yet unknown.

Meanwhile the judicial custody of all the three accused will end tomorrow. Indrani, Khanna and Rai were arrested in August this year on the charge of murdering Sheena and disposing off her body in a Raigad forest in April 2012, about 84 kms from Mumbai.

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