Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has said that she had taken rebirth due to to the continuous prayers of people in Tamil Nadu and across the world.
Expressing her happiness over enjoying the love and affection of people she said she would be fully well and begin work soon.
The two-page letter released by the AIADMK headquarters in her name carried an appeal to voters in Thanjavur, Aravakurichi and Tiruparankundram to vote for her party in the upcoming assembly polls on November 19.
Expressing her anguish over the suicides of some party cadres after her hospitalization, she said her mind and heart were always with them though she could not meet the cadres and voters of the three constituencies.
Jayalalithaa was admitted to Chennai’s Apollo Hospital on September 22 with complaints of fever and dehydration. She was later put on respiratory support and treated for lung congestion.
Doctors from the UK and All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi besides physiotherapists from Singapore, joined the team of specialists to treat her.
Apollo Hospital Chairman Pratap Reddy yesterday said Jayalalithaa had completely recovered from her infection and it was up to her to decide when to go home.