The Northern Railways division of the Indian Railways has announced the operation of three special trains between Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Railway Station, Katra and Prayagraj to facilitate pilgrims travelling to the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025. The first train will depart from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra station tomorrow at 3:50 AM and will return from Prayagraj on 25 January. The next two trains are scheduled for February 7 and February 14. Both these trains will leave from Katra Railway Station at 3:50 AM on their scheduled dates and will reach Prayagraj at 4:25 AM the next day. The trains will return on February 8 and February 15 simultaneously from Prayagraj at 07:30 PM and will reach Katra Railway Station at 10:00 PM. These special trains aim to ensure smooth travel for devotees attending the grand spiritual gathering in Prayagraj. With this initiative, Northern Railways reaffirms its commitment to serving pilgrims during this sacred event.