
Prior to leaving for BRICS summit in China and bilateral visit to Myanmar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday highlighted the immense importance of both these visits. In a Facebook post, the Prime Minister has stressed that India continues to attach very high importance to the role of BRICS and on his eagerness to engage with world leaders.

He has also expressed his eagerness to interact with the people of Indian origin in Myanmar as he makes a first bilateral visit to India’s eastern Neighbour.

In a Facebook post, PM Modi said, “I will visit Xiamen, China for the 9th BRICS Summit from 3-5 September 2017. India had the privilege of hosting the previous Summit in Goa in October last year. I look forward to building upon the results and outcomes of the Goa Summit. I also look forward to productive discussions and positive outcomes that will support the agenda of a stronger BRICS partnership under the chairmanship of China”.

The Prime Minister added, “We will also interact with the BRICS Business Council represented by captains of industry from all five countries. In addition, I look forward to engaging with leaders of nine other countries, including BRICS partners, in an Emerging Markets and Developing Countries Dialogue, hosted by President Xi Jinping on 5 September. I will have the opportunity to meet leaders bilaterally on the side-lines of the Summit.”

PM Modi posted, “India attaches high importance to the role of BRICS that has begun the second decade of its partnership for progress and peace. BRICS has important contributions to make in addressing global challenges and upholding world peace and security”.

In an another Facebook post, PM Modi said, “I will visit Myanmar on 5-7 September 2017 at the invitation of His Excellency U Htin Kyaw, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. I have visited this beautiful country earlier in 2014 for the ASEAN-India Summit, but this will be my first bilateral visit to Myanmar”.

“I am looking forward to meeting President U Htin Kyaw and also Her Excellency Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of President’s Office. I have had the opportunity for discussions with both dignitaries during their visits to India in 2016”, the Prime Minister added.

PM Modi said, “During the visit, we will review developments in our bilateral relations, especially the extensive programme of development cooperation and socio-economic assistance that India is undertaking in Myanmar, and explore new areas in which we can work together. We will also look at strengthening our existing cooperation on security and counter-terrorism, trade and investment, skill development, infrastructure and energy, and culture”.

The Prime Minister added, “I am also keen to meet and interact with the Indian-origin community of Myanmar, whose history goes back more than a century. I am confident that the visit will open a bright new chapter in India-Myanmar relations and will help in charting a roadmap for closer cooperation between our Governments, our business communities and at the people to people level”.