NEW DELHI: (AMN) Muslim bodies and leaders have welcomed the Supreme Court ruling to allow the Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court to deliver its verdict on the Babri Masjid case.

The convener of Babri Masjid Committee of All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) S Q R Ilyas said that the Supreme Court move would pave the way for resolution of longstanding case. He hoped that both the parties would take the high court judgment in true spirit and not vitiate the peaceful atmosphere of the country.

 In a statement the Darul Uloom Deoband has also welcomed the Sc decision. It said that delay would have only vitiated communal peace and harmony. It appealed the people to show greater wisdom after the actual verdict.

 Welcoming the apex court decision, AIMPLB member and council for the babri Masjid  Zafaryab Jilani said things were moving in right direction. He said that there should not be any panic as the other party is also ready to accept the verdict. He said that those who would lose case certainly knocked at the door of apex court .