Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Thakur and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched the Logo, jersey, mascot, torch and anthem of the Khelo India University Games (KIUG) 2022 in Lucknow today. The 3rd edition of the Khelo India University Games will take place from May 23 to June 3. The opening ceremony is scheduled for May 25 at the Babu Banarasi Das University in Lucknow.
Speaking on the occasion, Anurag Singh Thakur said that Uttar Pradesh is moving forward in every field today. He said, Prime Minister’s idea of making India a sports superpower will be fulfilled and Uttar Pradesh will play major role in this. Mr Thakur said that UP is organising the biggest Khelo India University games from May 23 to June 3. More than 4700 athletes from 200 universities across the country will participate in 21 sports disciplines in this event.
Praising UP Chief Minister, Mr. Thakur said that Yogi government has created good infrastructure for sports in the state. He informed that Khelo India Sports Centre in each district of Uttar Pradesh will be ready by 15th August 2023. Yogi Adityanath said that Uttar Pradesh government is developing one stadium in every district and one mini stadium at block level. Work of developing sports ground and open gym in every ward and gram panchayat is also going on in the state, he said.
The KIUG 2022 Games will be held in Varanasi, Noida and Gorakhpur, besides the state capital of Lucknow. The Shooting competition will be organized in New Delhi at the Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range. For the First time, water sports such as Rowing will be a part of the Khelo India University Games. Two indigenous Sports Disciplines namely Mallakhamb and Yogasana, were part of the last edition of the Khelo India University Games held in Karnataka and will also be part of this edition. The Games will also be live telecast on DD Sports and OTT platforms.