Area under pulses and Oilseed Increase

The total area sown under kharif crops as on 28th August, 2015 has reached to 967.83 lakh hectares as compared to 956.93 lakh hectare last year at this time.
Rice has been sown/transplanted in 345.89 lakh hectares, pulses in 105.52 lakh hectare, coarse cereals in 172.52 lakh hectare, oilseeds in 174.59 lakh hectare and cotton in 112.68 lakh hectare.
The details of the area covered so far and that covered during last year this time given as follows:

Lakh hectare

Crop Area sown in 2015-16 Area sown in 2014-15
Rice 345.89 345.48
Pulses 105.52 94.18
Coarse Cereals 172.52 167.23
Oilseeds 174.59 172.26
Sugarcane 48.84 47.17
Jute & Mesta 7.80 8.13
Cotton 112.68 122.50
Total 967.83 956.93