Sowing of pulses has increased 11 per cent so far this kharif season despite a deficient monsoon. According to data released by Agriculture Ministry, pulses acreage went up to 108.37 lakh hectares from 97.56 lakh hectares. The data also revealed that the area under coverage for paddy has moved up to 361.46 lakh hectares so far in this kharif season from 357.47 lakh hectares in the year-ago period.

The statement also said Coarse cereals’ sowing area also increased to 179.48 lakh hectares from 170.42 lakh hectares in the same period last year. In non-food grain category, area under coverage for oilseeds is up, but sowing for cotton has declined form 123.70 lakh to 114.17 lakh hectares. Oilseeds sowing went up to 178.55 lakh hectares, from 173.38 lakh hectares.