Karnataka reported 1,522 new cases of COVID-19 yesterday, taking the total number of cases to 8,82,608. With 12 deaths, the death toll rose to 11,750. As many as 2,133 persons were discharged taking the total number of recoveries to 8,46,082. The recovery rate is 95.86 percent.

While the positivity rate for the day stood at 1.37%, the Case Fatality Rate remained low at 0.78%. As many as 1,10,724 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours, including 92,724 RT-PCR tests. Bengaluru Urban district reported 719 cases, taking its tally to 3,68,604.

With seven deaths coming from Bengaluru, the toll in this district rose to 4,121. Active cases in Bengaluru touched 18,366. The city recorded 2.32 percent positivity rate and 0.82 percent Case Fatality rate.