The Governor of Jharkhand, C P Radhakrishnan said that his government is rapidly putting development works on the ground. The Governor said that the per capita income has increased from 71,071 rupees to 78,660 rupees after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Governor said that his Government has waived loans of farmers totaling to 1,727 crore rupees. The Governor also stated that more than 13 lakh farmers were provided a relief amount of 3500 per family under the Chief Minister’s Drought Relief Scheme.

An amount of 461 crore rupees was transferred to the bank accounts of over 13 lakh farmers. Addressing the Session, Mr Radhakrishnan said that about 3,300 crore rupees loans have been disbursed to more than 6.30 lakh farmers under the Kisan Credit Card scheme.

The Governor said that his government has implemented the Old Pension Yojana, hence, benefitting over 21.08 lakh beneficiaries. Meanwhile, he added that under Savitribai Phule Kishori Samriddhi Yojana, nine lakh girls will be benefited in the year 2022-23, and in the current financial year, a total of 20 students have been selected under the Marang Gomke Jaipal Singh Munda Overseas Scholarship Scheme. The Governor said that under the Chief Minister’s Critical Illness Treatment Scheme, the grant-aid amount has been increased from 5 lakh rupees to 10 lakh rupees.