Former Prime Minister and Janata Dal (Secular) leader Deve Gowda who has been re-elected to the Rajya Sabha, on Friday, asked political leaders and media to tone down of nationalist rhetoric. Saying that this was not the time for using language of provocation and revenge.

“Media outlets spreading fake information and cheap rhetoric endanger the lives of our soldiers and diplomatic staff” former PM said.

The statement released to the public also asked the opposition parties not to use intemperate language, saying that this was an hour for co-operation. Interestingly Gowda’s statement came on a day when the PM convened an all-party meeting to discuss the Indo-China border standoff.

Stating that there is a feeling among our fellow citizens that we are engulfed by hostile nations, he urged the political leadership to ensure that such anxiety is quelled with proper information. He said that a senior serving military officer and a diplomat should make a detailed presentation to opposition leaders on the ground situation. He stated that the demand was not for classified details but truthful information.

Criticizing what he said were efforts in recent times to politicise the armed forces, he said that this was a dangerous move and added that it should be allowed to remain a professional force. Urging the government not to encourage reactionary language of economic boycott, the implications of which were deep, he said that the country should be guided by pragmatism. Gowda did not attend the PM’s meet of opposition leaders, as he was not invited, said his office.