Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain has ruled out the possibility of imposing lockdown in the national capital saying that lockdown is not a solution to curb the spread of Covid-19 virus. Addressing a media briefing in New Delhi today, Mr. Jain said, earlier the lockdown was imposed after the experts’s advice to contain the spread of infectious virus but it did not stop completely. This statement came in the wake of rising cases of Covid-19 in the city.

The Minister said, there were fewer cases earlier but it has increased now. He said, number of testings have increased in Delhi and every day 85 thousand to 90 thousand tests are being conducted in the city. He said, Delhi government is focusing on the contact tracing and isolation of the affected person. He assured that there are enough bed available for the Covid-19 patients. He said, if the need will arise in the future the number of beds will be increased.

On the availability of the vaccines, he said, there are sufficient vaccines available in the national capital. In view of the festive season, Mr. Jain urged the people to maintain Covid-19 appropriate behaviour to check the spread of Covid-19 virus.