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Everything around us, and in fact, the whole universe is made up of just a few elementary particles, namely, fermions (leptons, and quarks) and bosons. Among these particles, quarks combine with each other to produce a myriad of composite particles called hadrons, which include well-known entities like protons and neutrons. To discuss the aspects of important particles and mysteries of University the Department of Physics of Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) conducted a webinar under the special lecture series.

According to CUSB Public Relation Officer (PRO) Mohammad Mudassir Alam the webinar was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Venktesh Singh, Dean, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences. The lecture was attended by more than 100 participants comprising of undergraduate and postgraduate students, PhD students, faculty members and senior professors from all over India, said the PRO.

The webinar started with the formal introduction by Prof. Venktesh Singh, the chairman of this science lecture series. He said that Sub-structure of the hadrons can be understood using a theoretical model called quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which is the quantum theory of strong interaction between quarks and gluons (bosons). Existence of quarks has already been verified in experiments. However, bare quarks are never observed in laboratory, only the hadrons, that is, their composites can be observed. Resolving this dichotomy, in a satisfactory way, will not only enable us to understand the origin of our universe, but it also comes with a big award of 1 million dollars from the Clay Mathematics Institute. The webinar focussed on one possible solution to this million dollar question.

The main speaker of the webinar was Prof. H. C. Chandola who is a Professor and the Head of the Physics Department at Kumaun University, Nainital. He is an internationally renowned scientist working in the field of theoretical high energy physics. Prof. Chandola expressed his immense happiness on being able to present his lecture on the auspicious occasion of 74th Independence day of India and dedicated his lecture to all the freedom fighters. He also dedicated his lecture to Louis de Broglie, a French physicist and Nobel laureate who was born today in 1892 and made fundamental contribution to the quantum theory.

For the benefit of the students, speaker patiently introduced the formulations of quantum chromodynamics, and then plunged into the intricate details of his own contributions to the dual QCD theory. The talk was followed by an intense interaction session moderated by the coordinator of this science lecture series Prof. Vijay Raj Singh. After the Q&A session, coordinator proposed the vote of thanks to the speaker, to the chairman, to all the participants both from CUSB as well as from other universities, and his colleagues from the department.

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Finally, Prof. Venktesh Singh thanked everyone and announced the next lecture in this ongoing science lecture series. The next lecture is scheduled at 6:00 PM on August 21, 2020 and will be delivered by Prof. Sunit, K. Singh, Head, Molecular Biology Unit, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi on a very contemporary topic, “ Covid-19: from Pandemic to Infodemic.”

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