The ongoing CPI (M) plenum in Kolkata has discussed future policies and strategies of the party-organisation, party leader Prakash Karat said in Kolkata today. Talking to media-persons about the ongoing deliberations at the third party plenum, Mr. Karat said delegates endorsed the party proposal to set a target to increase women’s membership from the existing 15.5 per cent to 25 per cent in the next three years and have a thrust on enough representation of youth at all levels of the party.

The state committees of CPI (M) will make plans to achieve these targets, he added. Answering a query about any age limit in the party leadership, Mr. Karat said, the party has not discussed any age limit on contesting the elections, the organisation is concerned about how to increase the youths composition in the party and their representation in all committees.

The CPI (M) presently has 20 per cent of the total members below the age of 31 years, which is not so low compared to the other parties, Mr. Karat pointed out. In some states the per-centage is a bit low than the 20 per cent and the impetus will be on them to increase the representation, he said. The plenum today adopted resolutions on Situation in West Bengal, Achievements of Tripura Government and commemoration of the Centenary Year of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Mr. Karat informed.