The Bombay High Court Thursday granted pardon to mastermind in 26/11 Mumbai terror attack case Pakistani-American terrorist David Colemon Headley on condition that he turned approver.

Earlier while appearing before the court via video-conferencing , from an undisclosed location in the United States, Headley had said he was ready to turn approver and will answer all questions, if he was pardoned in the case. Headley was made accused in the 2008 Mumbai attacks after a special court’s order in Mumbai. Currently he is lodged in a jail in USA after he was arrested by the FBI.

Speaking before the court, Headley pleaded guilty and said he participated in the events that led to the 2008 terror attacks. He said he is ready to turn approver if he is pardoned in the case. When the Judge asked about the summons, he confirmed that he got the summons. Ten charges have been framed against Headley.

Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikkam had asked for an half an adjournment saying he will have to talk to investigating officer about Headley’s offer and so the court was adjourned for half an hour. Headley was visibly annoyed but however the FBI agent responded to the Indian court saying they would again assemble after half an hour. Headley is accompanied with 4 persons including 2 attorneys of David, Assistant Attorney in the department of justice and 1 FBI agent.

Headley drew maps, took video footage and scouted several targets for the attacks including the Taj Hotel, Oberoi Hotel and Nariman House during his five visits between 2006 and 2008. His reconnaissance provided vital information for the 10 LeT terrorists and their handlers, who attacked Mumbai on November 26, 2008 in which 166 persons including foreign nationals were killed. Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist Abu Jundal too appeared before Bombay Court today. Judge asked Abu Jundal whether he is acknowledged that he has been lined with the court, he said yes.