Students aged 18 and above will now be able to register for the COVID 19 vaccination on the Surokkha app of the government of Bangladesh. Now, a new functionality has been added to the Surokkha app to allow students aged 18 and above to register for the vaccine. However, the minimum age for eligibility to get the COVID 19 vaccine will continue to be 25 years for all others.

More than 6.25 million people have received both the doses of vaccination till Thursday while 16.15 million people have received one dose of the COVID 19 vaccine in the country.

Meanwhile, COVID death toll in Bangladesh crossed 25,000 with 145 deaths being recorded on Friday. It is the lowest daily death toll since July 1 when 143 people had died in the country. The sample positivity rate also continued its downward movement at 17.18 percent on Friday from a high of over 32 percent on 24 July.

Earlier, the government allowed the opening of tourist places, community centres and recreation venues from Thursday after the COVID restrictions were relaxed from August 11 in the country.