indian armyArmy today killed five heavily-armed militants while they were trying to sneak in from the Pakistani side, thus foiling a major infiltration bid in Gurez sector of Kashmir. Giving details of the operation Srinagar-based Defence spokesman said, first contact with the infiltrators was established late night just as they crossed the LoC .

They were challenged and an intense gunfight ensued, resulting in elimination of two militants. The rest took cover behind the rocks and bushes. After an operation by the Army which lasted till this afternoon, three more terrorists were eliminated, taking the number of eliminated terrorists to five.

A huge cache of “war-like” stores of arms and ammunition was recovered from them. It included five AK-47 rifles, a Rocket Projectile Gun (RPG) and an Under Barrel Grenade Launcher (UBGL). He added the Army is continuing to search and sanitise the area to ensure safety and security of the people. The identity of the slain militants and their group has not been ascertained so far, the spokesman said.