Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Singh Thakur will launch the Logo, jersey, mascot and anthem of the Khelo India University Games 2022 at the Indira Gandhi Pratishthan, Gomti Nagar in Lucknow on Friday (5 May 2023). The third edition of the Khelo India University Games will take place from the 23rd of May to the 3rd of June. The opening ceremony is scheduled for the 25th of May at the Babu Banarasi Das University in Lucknow.
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Sports Nisith Pramanik, and Uttar Pradesh Sports Minister, Girish Chandra Yadav will also be present in the launch ceremony along with other dignitaries.
The upcoming edition of the KIUG is expected to have participation of more than 4700 athletes from over 200 universities across the country, with total participation reaching over 7000. The number of sports disciplines to feature in this edition is 21, which is also the highest ever in the history of the University Games. Rowing, too, is being introduced for the first time ever.
The Games will be held in Varanasi, Noida and Gorakhpur, besides Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. The Shooting competition will be organised in New Delhi at the Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range. For the first time, water sports such as Rowing will be a part of the Khelo India University Games.