The DG level talks between border-guard forces of India and Bangladesh, BSF and BGB, will start on Wednesday in Dhaka. The 4-member BSF delegation is scheduled to arrive in Dhaka on 16th for the meeting which will conclude on 18 September.
Earlier, the meeting was scheduled to start from 13th September. However, due to some technical problems in the flight, the talks were postponed.
The biannual talks between the heads of the BSF and Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB) will take place at the Pilkhana headquarters of the BGB in Dhaka.
The meeting is part of regular discussions between the two border guarding forces. During the meeting, issues related to border management, fencing and development works along the border are likely to be discussed.
The Last meeting was held in Delhi in December, 2019.
The biannual talks between BSF and BGB started in 1975. These are held on alternate occasions in Dhaka and Delhi for the management of the 4096 km long border between the two neighbours.