The 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly got underway in New York last night. Over 100 global leaders are attending the deliberations. These include US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and British premier Boris Johnson. This session coincides with the current UN Secretary General Antonio Gueterres set for another five years term at the helms of affairs of the world body.

US President Joe Biden was the first speaker as per the tradition. In his maiden speech to the UN General Assembly, Mr Biden urged the nations to forge a global unity against common threats like COVID-19 pandemic, technological threats and autocratic nations.

The US President said, bombs and bullets can’t defend against COVID-19 or its future variants. He underlined the need to make use of force as the last resort and not the first.

Mr. Biden said, our security, prosperity and freedom are interconnected as never before. Henceforth he made a strong plea for good governance and desist from the use of force in the larger interest of democracy.