Rescue operations at the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi, where 41 workers remain trapped, are going very well and under control. All workers are also able to speak with their families and rescue team.
Addressing the media in New Delhi today, Member of National Disaster Management Authority Lt.General Syed Ata Hasnain said that the obstruction including stuck-up augurs has been removed from the rescue pipe and now manual drift procedure will be applied to cover the remaining 15 meters distance. He said that two teams of 3 persons in each team have been formed. Rain will not affect to rescue operation.

Lt. Gen Hasnain informed that overall five type approach is being applied in this rescue operation. He added that the vertical drill has also covered 32 meters so far which will help in providing more oxygens to workers. He added that vehicles carrying machinery equipment are on the way to Silkyara Tunnel and at present 20 to 40 meters away.
Lt. Gen Hasnain informed that freshly cooked food, fresh fruits, water, and medicine are being ed inside the tunnel using the pipeline for the trapped workers. The mental and physical health of the workers is also supervised by the doctors’ team.

Lt. Gen Hasnain informed that all arrangements are in place after evacuating those trapped inside the tunnel to provide quick medical facilities. He added that an adequate number of ambulances are kept ready for transporting them to All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh in Uttarakhand for better treatment and those found in serious condition will be airlifted to the hospital.