after the train burning in Godhra on February 27, 2002.”This time the situation warranted that the Muslims be taught a lesson to ensure that such incidents do not recur again,” Bhatt quoted the chief minister as saying at a meeting held on the evening of February 27, 2002 as news of the Godhra incident spread.


Bhatt, who was posted in the Intelligence Department at that time also said in an affidavit to the Supreme Court that the special investigation team (SIT) set up by the apex court seemed uninterested in unraveling the larger conspiracy behind the 2002 violence that swept Gujarat in 2002.

In the affidavit that was made available to the media Friday Bhatt said “The chief minister expressed the view that the emotions were running very high among the Hindus and it was imperative that they be allowed to vent out their anger.”

Stating that the senior police officials had blindly followed Modis instructions in 2002, the officer in his affidavit further stated that this was responsible for the deterioration in the law and order situation in the state.
Bhatt has also made a request to the apex court to provide protection to him and his family.

Modi reportedly made these remarks when he was told that bringing bodies of the Godhra victims — mostly Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) activists — to Ahmedabad would only inflame passions.

Bhatt, now principal of the State Reserve Police Centre in Junagarh, said following Modi’s explicit directions, the police became complacent while dealing with rampaging mobs. The riots lasted weeks and left over 2000 , mostly Muslims, dead.

Bhatt underlined that there was very much a “larger conspiracy and official orchestration behind the Gujarat riots”.

Also see

IPS officer fears for family safety in Gujarat