According to reports Madhya Pradesh police was conducting a profiling of the Christian community collecting details about institutions, assets and sources of income. While terming it as disturbing trend the AIMM demanded a high level investigation into the malicious project.

“No doubt, the data would be used by Hindutva elements against the target community just as they did earlier in Gujarat during the 2002 pogroms when the Muslim community was meticulously targeted using lists prepared in advance” AIMM said in a statement.

It said that though the state government has claimed to have withdrawn these orders and a low level probe is also said to have been ordered, the issue should not be allowed to die down as its is a clear indication that the Hindutva forces continue their sinister plans to hit communities and groups they do not like.

It said that the information collected by the Census should be sufficient for any official and developmental needs. “The Union home ministry should take notice and make sure that no such profiling of target communities and groups takes place in BJP-ruled states where Hindutva elements have a field day”, said Dr zafarul Islam Khan of the AIMM adding that in addition to the continuing attacks on Muslim communities, the Christian community and its institutions too are under constant attack in BJP-ruled states while the Central government failed to take notice to date.