The Vice President of India, M Venkaiah Naidu today said that Universities and educational institutions were pious places of learning, hence they should maintain highest standards of decorum.
Speaking at the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of National Assessment and Accreditation Council in Bengaluru today, VP stressed that the academic endeavours and co-curricular initiatives must attain primacy in universities and not factionalism and divisive tendencies.
The Vice President said that it was the duty of the education system to produce model global citizens who would contribute towards building a better world.
Pointing out that the students leaving the portals of the educational institutions must be enlightened citizens with social consciousness and responsibility towards the society, Naidu stressed that Institutions must mould students into empathetic human beings with high integrity.
He called for making India a global hub of higher learning and scholarship and urged Universities, academicians and policy makers to improve academic standards at par with top international institutions.
Expressing concerns that none of the Indian Universities figured in the top 100 global rankings, Mr Naidu asked institutions such as NAAC and UGC to take steps to address the shortcomings by revisiting the education system and revamping the curriculum in tune with 21st century requirements.