Violent protests were held in different part of the Srinagar, Anantnag, Pulwama, Ganderbal, Kupwara, Bandipora and some other areas in Kashmir valley after Friday prayers.

The protests were held against the State High Court’s direction to police to impose ban on sale of beef in the State. Protests also rocked Kashmir University. Security forces used tear smoke shells to quell the protesters.

The Division Bench of State High Court comprising Justices Dhiraj Singh Thakur and Janak Raj Kotwal, had banned sale of beef in Jammu and Kashmir. The direction was passed on Wednesday in Jammu in response to a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) seeking directions on slaughtering or killing of bovine animals to be declared an offence punishable under Section 298-A and possession of such slaughtered animal an act punishable under Section 298-B of the Ranbir Penal Code (RPC). The court verdict evoked sharp criticism from business community, civil society, common people and separatist leaders in Kashmir.

They described the verdict as alleged interference in the religious matters. They also said that such steps have potential to impair communal harmony in the State. Separatists and Kashmir Economic Alliance (KEA) alleged that state govt is working under the “diktats of RSS”. They said there was no justification in imposing feudal laws passed hundreds of years back and demanded revocation of ban immediately.

Authorities had put in suitable security measures to maintain law and order in Kashmir valley in view of post-Friday prayers protest call by both factions of Hurriyat, JKLF and other separatist organizations. Additional heavy deployments of security forces had been made in sensitive areas in Srinagar and elsewhere in Valley. Syed Ali Geelani continued to remain under house detention. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Yasin Malik also had been put under house detention.