Tamil Nadu all-rounder Vijay Shankar has replaced suspended Hardik Pandya for India’s ongoing ODI series in Australia. Shubman Gill has also received his maiden call-up to the national team for the New Zealand tour beginning 23rd of this month.
In a statement, the BCCI said, with Hardik Pandya and Lokesh Rahul set to return from Australia, the All-India Senior Selection Committee has decided to send Shankar and Gill as replacements.
Pandya and Rahul have been suspended pending inquiry for their controversial comments on women during a TV show recently.
Gill was named player of the tournament following India’s win in the Under-19 World Cup in New Zealand last year. Shankar, on the other hand, too did well during the A-tour of New Zealand, finishing as the highest run-getter in the three one-dayers.