United States’s top media regulator has voted to rollback “net neutrality” rules that require internet providers to treat all traffic equally.

US Federal Communications Commission in meeting in Washington, adopted the proposal of Republican appointed FCC Chairman Indian-American Ajit Pai by a 3-2 vote.

Mr Pai said his plan will end heavy-handed rules which discourage investment and innovation.

By doing so, the Republican-majority commission has reversed the 2015 “net-neutrality” ruled of the previous Obama Administration.

Net neutrality mandated upon all internet service providers to treat all traffic equally, without blocking or showing content. It prevented internet service providers from charging websites more for delivering certain services or blocking others.

The FCC said in a statement after the voting said that the latest decision restores the longstanding, light-touch regulatory framework that has fostered rapid Internet growth, openness, and freedom.

However, the critics say the latest move is against the interest of the consumers and favours big corporate companies. Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi described the FCC decision as a stunning blow” to the promise of a free and open Internet.

On the other hand, House of Representative Speaker Paul Ryan welcomed the decision. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said the Trump Administration backs the FCC’s move but also supports a free
and fair internet. defending champion Viktor Axelsen in his opening match.