Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has asked officials to pay extra attention to the 6 cities where the cases of corona infection can rise rapidly. In the state capital Lucknow, directions have been issued for the compulsory wearing of masks at offices, marriage functions, and other closed crowded areas.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held a high-level meeting yesterday to review the situation of covid in the state. He said that there is no need to panic. Currently, the positivity rate in the state is 0.65% and the total number of patients daily today are 1791. He asked officials 6 to pay special attention to 6 cities including Lucknow, Meerut, Ghaziabad, Agra, Gautam Buddh Nagar, and Varanasi.
Meanwhile, the district Magistrate of Lucknow has issued an order for the compulsory wearing of masks at all offices in the city.
Masks will also be compulsory at hospitals and other closed crowded areas like marriage functions, malls, airports, railway stations, bus stations, and cafeterias. The order asks about strict adherence to covid protocol in public places. Parents have been advised not to send their wards to school if they are having fever and other symptoms. Schools have also been advised to strictly follow the guidelines and physical distancing among students