Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has announced the allocation of portfolios to the recently-inducted members in the State Cabinet. Cabinet Minister Jitin Prasad has been given the responsibility of the Technical Education Department. He had left Congress and came to BJP fold few months back. He was the only Cabinet Minister who took oath on Sunday.
Among the new Ministers of State, Chhatrapal Singh Gangwar will head the Revenue Department while Sanjeev Kumar will be in- Charge of the Department of Social Welfare, Scheduled Castes and Tribes Welfare.
MoS Dinesh Khatik has been given the responsibility of Water Power and Flood Control Department. MoS Paltu Ram has been assigned Sainik Kalyan, Home Guard, Provincial Rakshak Dal and Civil Security Department and Dr Sangeeta Balwant has been given the responsibility of Cooperation Department. MoS Dharmaveer Prajapati will head the Industrial Development Department.