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The UN, US, and UK have called for impartial investigations into allegations of vote rigging by main opposition BNP during Tuesday’s elections to city corporations of Dhaka and Chittagong. BNP pulled out of the elections midway through the voting large scale rigging. UN Secretary General spokesperson Farhan Haq said Ban-Ki-Moon has appealed to authorities to investigate all allegations and urged the opposition to use democratic arenas to express its concerns.

US Ambassador in Dhaka Marcia Bernicat said it is important that alleged irregularities are investigated transparently and impartially and all parties involved to work within the law and avoid violence. UK envoy Robert Gibson said all allegations must be investigated swiftly and impartially.

Meanwhile Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad said that elections were held in a fair and peaceful manner, and claimed no irregularities, except for stray incidents. In a press conference last night he said no agents or voters complained or faced any threats during the polls. Ruling Awami League leader Mahbubul Alam told reporters that BNP boycotting the elections was pre-planned to make the elections questionable and to find an issue to launch an anti-government agitation. He claimed that the BNP quit after being sure of their defeat.

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