Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh has said, the government has taken as a challenge the killing of CRPF personnel by Naxals in Sukma district of Chhattisgarh. Speaking to media in New Delhi, Mr Singh termed the attack on the personnel as a sad and an unfortunate incident, and vowed that no one will be spared.

Mr Singh also briefed Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the attack last night. According to news agency PTI, Mr Singh apprised the Prime Minister of the circumstances leading to the attack and steps taken for the treatment of those injured.Talking to All India Radio this morning, Minister of State for Home, Hansraj Ahir said, he and the Union Home Minister will visit the state today to take stock of the situation.

25 CRPF Jawans were martyred in the insurgency-affected Sukma district yesterday. Around 90 Jawans belonging to 74th battalion of CRPF were engaged in area sanitisation for a road construction project. They were attacked by Maoists at two different places of Burkapal and Chintagufa. Chief Minister Raman Singh reviewed the situation at an emergency meeting of senior officials in Raipur last night.