“It seems to us that in this country certain members of the Subordinate Courts do not even care for orders of this Court”,  the apex court said while  slamming Additional District Judge Archana Sinha for superseding its order in an eviction decree.

The court further said, “We are constrained to say that a certain section of the subordinate judiciary in this country is bringing the whole judiciary of India into disrepute by passing orders on extraneous considerations”.

The apex court bench of Justice Markandey Katju and Justice Gyan Sudha Misra took umbrage to Sinha passing a detailed order which frustrated the apex court’s October 6, 2010 order directing the vacation of  a premises in the Connaught Place area of the capital.  It also asked the chief justice of the Delhi High Court to probe the matter and initiate disciplinary proceedings against her.

“When this Court passed an order dated 06th October, 2010 granting six months’ time to vacate, the contemnor Archana Sinha, Additional District Judge  had no business to pass the order dated 23rd April, 2011 but instead she has stayed the warrants of possession, meaning thereby that she has practically superseded our order and overruled us,” the bench said.

Justice Katju said that at time they are shamed by the people over the conduct of  the subordinate judiciary when we are told that 80% or 90% of them are corrupt. The kind of things we get to hear we can’t even repeat in the court, Justice Katju said.