Suspended RJD MLA Raj Ballabh Yadav, accused of allegedly raping a minor girl, will continue to remain in jail as the Supreme Court today cancelled the bail granted to him by the Patna High Court, allowing the appeal of the Bihar government, seeking cancellation of bail granted to Yadav by the High Court in September.

The apex court had, last month, directed Yadav to surrender before a trial court in Bihar after suspending the High Court order granting bail to him. Yadav had complied with the direction.

The apex court had also directed the trial court to record the statement of the minor rape survivor within two weeks and asked Yadav not to interfere in the matter in any manner.

The court had, earlier, rejected Yadav’s plea to remain outside Bihar till the victim deposed before the trial court and felt that the RJD legislator should remain in jail till the victim records her statement.