All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat (AIMMM), the umbrella body of Indian Muslim organizations, has dubbed media reports on the presence of the terrorist organization ISIS in India as baseless and misleading. In a press statement issued after a joint meeting of its working committee and the central body, AIMMM general secretary and spokesperson Masoom Moradabadi said: “AIMMM express anguish over the unverified reports which are being leaked to the media in which security agencies are quoted to have claimed that ISIS is making inroads into the Indian Muslim community while the Indian govt has repeatedly said that there is no proof of ISIS’ existence in India.”
It said that Spokesman of the Indian army in J&K has also said that ISIS does not exist in Kashmir. AIMMM believes that these reports are published to spread suspicions about Muslim youth and thereby pave the way for their large-scale arrests. AIMMM appeals Indian Muslims to be alert to such reports.
In another resolution, AIMMM expressed its anguish over the floods in Tamil Nadu and offered condolences to the victims. It exhorted the Muslim community to come forward to help the victims.
Members expressed their happiness and satisfaction that the term of the outgoing President of AIMMM, Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan, was very satisfactory. They acknowledged his feat of holding the very successful golden jubilee last August, and compiling and publishing the important AIMMM documents spanning over half a century.
AIMMM condemned the rising intolerance in the country, expressed satisfaction over Bihar election results and condemned the vicious statements about Tipu Sultan. A resolution condemned the ongoing cases of kidnappings and conversion to Hinduism of Muslim girls in Kushinagar district in eastern UP. The AIMMM decided to send a fact-finding mission to Kushinagar and to meet the UP CM in this respect.
Other resolutions condemned the atrocities against Dalits, disapproved the demand of Uniform Civil Code and condemned the Russian vitriole against Turkey which exercised its legal right by shooting down an intruding warplane.
The meeting was attended by Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, President, Janab Mohammad Jafar, Janab Mujtaba Farooq and Janab Manzoor Ahmad IPS (retd), Vice Presidents, Prof. Mohammad Sulaiman. Janab Masoom Moradabadi and Mufti Ataur Rahman Qasmi, General Secretaries, Janab Syyed Mansoor Agha, Dr. Syed Ahmed Khan, Janab Shah Faisal, Prof. Humayun Murad, Janab Irfanullah Khan, Janab Abdul Rasheed Agwan, Prof. Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman, Dr. Syed Mohammad Yahya, Janab Mohammad Ahmadm Janab Ejaz Ahmad Aslam, Dr. Shakil Samdani, Janab Aaris Mohammad, Janab Akhtar Husain Akhtar, Dr. Mohammad Shees Taimi, Dr. Jawed Ahmad, Dr. Taslim Rahmani, Dr. Ubaid Iqbal Asim, Janab Suhail Anjum, Dr. Nizamuddin, Janab Munir Ahmad Khan, Janab M. Ilyas Malik, Janab Mohammad Adeeb, ex-MP, Janab Navaid Hamid, Dr. Anwarul Islam, Dr. Mohammad Faiyyaz Qasmi and Janab Rasheed Ahmad Khan, IAS (retd.)