Abhijit Roy Chowdhury

NEW DELHI: Ending speculation Minister for Environment and Forest Jairm Ramesh on Monday categorically ruled out that stage –I clearance granted for diversion of forest land for Brutanga  irrigation project in Nayagarh district has been withdrawn.

He informed that a team of technical experts will be dispatched soon to study the impact on environments but the irrigation project will not be affected.
In a hurriedly convened press conference, here, Ramesh said “some wild life experts have suggested that Tiger and Elephant reserve in the ‘Satkosha” Tiger Reserve will be affected”.
The matter was discussed yesterday at the Forest Advisory Committee meeting  and the members had observed that tiger and elephant reserve will be greatly damaged, said MoEF.
When asked about the recommendation made by the FAC members towards ecological disturbance, Jairam Ramesh said “ I ‘am taking full responsibility and not going back on my commitment”.
MoEF also outlined the importance of irrigation project and maintained that irrigation is the key for the state’s prosperity.
He also informed that I will find my way to resolve any issue.
The ministry had granted clearance  for diversion of  forest land for 1524.14 ha of forest land on Sep 6