British Fashion Council (BFC) has decided to appoint Indian actor Priyanka Chopra as Ambassador for Positive Change.
The Global @UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador will join BFC, supporting the organisation’s efforts to lead the charge on change, using fashion as a positive platform to inspire future generations.

She will be living and working in London over the next year

BFC is delighted to announce @priyankachopra as the new Ambassador for Positive Change. The Global @UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador will join BFC, supporting the organisation’s efforts to lead the charge on change, using fashion as a positive platform to inspire future generations.

“I am honored to be the British Fashion Council’s Ambassador for Positive Change while I’m living and working in London over the next year. We’ll have some really exciting initiatives to share soon, and I look forward to bringing you on this journey with me” , Tweeted Chopra.