Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be on a one-day visit to Rajasthan on Wednesday. The Prime Minister will visit Shrinathji Temple in Nathdwara and he will inaugurate, dedicate and lay the foundation stone of various development projects worth over 5500 crores rupees. The focus of these projects will be on bolstering infrastructure and connectivity in the region.
The Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone for road construction projects for upgradation to two-lanes in Rajsamand and Udaipur. PM Modi will lay the foundation stone for redevelopment of Udaipur railway station, to provide enhanced amenities for the public. He will also lay the foundation stone for the gauge conversion project and for setting up of a new line from Nathdwara to Nathdwara town in Rajsamand.
Thereafter, the Prime Minister will visit the Shantivan complex of Brahma Kumaris in Abu Road, where he will lay the foundation stone of a Super Speciality Charitable Global Hospital, second phase of Shivmani Old Age Home and extension of Nursing College. The Prime Minister will also address a public meeting at Abu Road.