Staff Reporter / NEW DELHI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched three high throughput COVID-19 testing facilities in Noida, Mumbai and Kolkata today.

Addressing the launch ceremony virtually, Mr. Modi stressed on the need to create better health infrastructure in the country. He called for increased and better health amenities in clinics and dispensaries at village level.

The Prime Minister lauded the pre-emptive efforts taken in the country at the right time, which he said, helped India contain the pandemic to a large extent. He said, the country has been able to manage the global pandemic better than many countries across the world.

Mr. Modi informed that the recovery rate in India is also steadily improving every day and in near future the number of COVID recovered patients will cross the one million mark.

The Prime Minister highlighted the immense contribution of the COVID Warriors in containing the pandemic. He said, starting from just one testing lab in January this year, the 15 thousand crore financial aid by the government helped the country create a strong COVID specific health infrastructure.

Mr. Modi reiterated his call to citizens regarding following every COVID-19 related health guidelines, including wearing masks, maintaining physical distancing and keeping hand hygiene.

The government has adopted the Test-Track-Treat strategy for early detection and containment of the COVID-19 pandemic. The three new testing facilities set up in Noida, Mumbai and Kolkata will be able to test over ten thousand samples a day.

These labs will also reduce turn-around-time and exposure of lab personnel to infectious clinical materials. The labs are enabled to test diseases other than COVID as well. Post the pandemic, the labs will be able to test for Hepatitis B and C, HIV, TB and Dengue.