Prime Minister Narendra Modi today inaugurated and laid the foundation stones of various development projects worth 4200 crore rupees at Pithoragarh district in Uttarakhand. Addressing a public gathering on the occasion, he said, the development of border areas is the priority of the Central Government. Mr Modi said that the Central Government is continuously working to bring development in the border villages by developing them under the Vibrant Village Scheme.

The prime minister said, his government has worked to strengthen the army by equipping it with modern facilities.  The Prime Minister has said that India is moving towards new heights of development.

Committing to eliminating poverty from the country, the Prime Minister said the government took care of people living in remote areas, resulting in 13.5 crore people coming out of poverty in just five years. He further said that the government is working with full dedication to take Uttarakhand to new heights of development and make the lives of common people easier.

Mr Modi said that in the next five years, 4,000 crore rupee will be spent in the state to prevent natural disasters.

Earlier in the day, the Prime Minister offered prayers at Parvati Kund at Jolingkong in Pithoragarh. From there, Mr Modi reached Gunji village, where he interacted with the locals and visited a craft exhibition of local products. The Prime Minister also interacted with Army, ITBP and BRO personnel at Gunji. He also offered prayers at the famous Jageshwar Temple in Almora this morning.