New Delhi: Popular Front of India Chairman O M A Salam has, in a statement, welcomed the Bombay High Court judgment that quashed the FIRs against foreign Thableeghi Jamaat members.
The decision of the Division Bench of Justice TV Nalawade and Justice MG Sewlikar is historic. At time when independence of Indian judiciary has come under serious question, judgment such these are fresh air of hope. It upholds uncompromising commitment to justice, truth and equality before law, the foundational values Indian constitution has been built upon.
As the Bench rightly pointed out entire Muslims community found themselves in a situation that anything and everything that goes wrong in the country are their fault. Only this time they were alienated and demonized in the country as ‘disease spreaders’. And yes, Thableegh Jamaat was made scapegoats for in the process. Unfortunately a pandemic was communalised and politicised in our country which damaged India’s image internationally. The observations made by the bench is a blow to communal politics. The judgment also underlined the role played by a section of media. They used the opportunity to promote islamobhobia. The propaganda undoubtedly created fear, suspicion, xenophobia. The hate thus manufactured even provoked mobs to attack innocents. Across India innocent Muslim passers-by and street vendors were targeted. The judgment will help restore their faith in justice.
Various activists and organisations have filed cases against media and individuals for hate speeches and false propaganda. In the light of this judgment, Popular Front appeals to the courts to take strict action and ensure peace and communal harmony prevails.
Press Release